Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Camping in the Rain, Splish Splash

I love camping -- even in the rain -- but only for so long. While we had a great time camping these past five days, we called it quits two days early. And not a minute too soon. The rain started coming down as we were driving out of the campground and hasn't stopped yet. We had a wonderful time though. We hiked, biked, rafted, beached, read, ate, napped, sat ... all reasons to simply adore camping. And the best part is that Kailyn loved it. She got to throw her food on the ground, play in the dirt, sleep between mommy and daddy almost every night, play in the water, see tons of wildlife and have our attention on her 24/7. Ideal vacation for a toddler. So, all in all, we had a great time. The weather could've been better but we got to be together with no interruptions for a few days.

~ April