Saturday, June 11, 2011

Garage Sale Madness

Again, it's been awhile but I have tons of excuses as to why I haven't written. This week's excuse is because I was getting ready to host a garage sale. The more I looked in my house, the more stuff I found that I thought I could (and should!) sell. I hosted it with my friend Linda at her house and it proved to be a successful day. You would not believe what people buy and how they haggle for it. An old dehumidifier marked for $5 that a guy offered me two for ... I took $3 (really didn't want to load it back in my car!), a fake candle water fountain thingy ($2), a piece of 'art' I had hanging in our home for $5 ... and the list goes on. It seriously amazes me that all those $1 and $2 sales made me almost $100! Was it worth it? Absolutely ... chatting with my friend Linda and her kids all day, seeing Kailyn being pulled around on the grass in a sled while wearing goggles, laughing at the random things people buy and finally the freedom of being rid of all the 'stuff' ... whew. Goodwill will be a happy and possibly slightly overwhelmed business when Wallaceburg garage sale day is finally over. Thanks to all those people who buy my junk -- made me a happy girl today!

~ April ~

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Who Woulda Thunk It?!

Happy Sunday afternoon people. I haven't written in a while and I am waiting for my pictures to upload so have a few minutes of sitting still (which hardly ever happens!). I want to re-introduce myself ... I am the pastor's wife. Seriously, the PASTOR'S WIFE. Growing up, getting edu-macated, embarking on an awesome career, getting married, having a baby and now, not only am I a plain ole' wife, I am the pastor's wife. Everyone knows who I am and to be honest, I kind of like it -- who knew!? This is definitely a new role for me ... my hubby (the pastor!! lol) was ordained a couple of weeks ago and we are officially the pastor and family. I have a feeling that this newness will not rub off for a while. So, what has changed? Well, I am now a full time stay at home mommy. I cook dinner for my family every night and we actually sit down and eat it together (big deal considering our 'routine' in seminary!). I go parent-tot swimming during the day. I walk to Wal-Mart and shop because I need to see other adults. I play house with my daughter. I sew during naptime. I no longer feel a great deal of stress on Sunday nights while trying to prepare for a week of teaching. If I look over the items on this list (and many others), I am thankful for these changes. Not that I didn't like my life before but there is something so sweet about sending my hubby off to work for the day and lounging in my pajamas with a cup of coffee while my girl eats her oatmeal. Life is full of changes and this is one change I am adjusting to quite nicely.